Glossary Term Glossary Definition
Canopy Management

Canopy Management: maintaining the grapevines to optimize the yield and quality of the berries, in line with the winemakers’ goals.

For more details, see Concisely post: What is Canopy Management?


Terroir is the sum of all the elements of climate, soil, and topography that impact the quality of wine grapes.

Terroir can be a big factor in giving each wine a unique character.


Viticulture is the branch of horticulture focused on grapes. It's often confused with viniculture, which is concerned specifically with wine grapes.

  • Viticulture = all grapes.
  • Viniculture = grapes for winemaking.

Viticulture is the study of grapes and grape production, which is slightly different from viniculture, which concerns itself with grapes specifically for wine production.